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Block Service ​

Each kind of block can register its own service. The service is a class that extends the BlockService class.

import { BlockService } from '@blocksuite/block-std';
import { defineBlockSchema, type SchemaToModel } from '@blocksuite/store';

const myBlockSchema = defineBlockSchema({

type MyBlockModel = SchemaToModel<typeof myBlockSchema>;

class MyBlockService extends BlockService<MyBlockModel> {
import { BlockService } from '@blocksuite/block-std';
import { defineBlockSchema, type SchemaToModel } from '@blocksuite/store';

const myBlockSchema = defineBlockSchema({

type MyBlockModel = SchemaToModel<typeof myBlockSchema>;

class MyBlockService extends BlockService<MyBlockModel> {

For each block type, its service will only be instantiated once. And even though there is no block instance, the service will still be instantiated. So, it's designed to some global methods for certain kind of block.

For example, if you want to create a hotkey to create a new block, you can do it in the service.

class MyBlockService extends BlockService<MyBlockModel> {
  override mounted() {
        'Alt-1': this._addMyBlock,
      { global: true }

  private _addMyBlock = () => {'my-block', {});
class MyBlockService extends BlockService<MyBlockModel> {
  override mounted() {
        'Alt-1': this._addMyBlock,
      { global: true }

  private _addMyBlock = () => {'my-block', {});

Lifecycle Hooks ​

The BlockService class provides some lifecycle hooks for you to override.

  • mounted: This hook will be called when the service is instantiated.
  • unmounted: This hook will be called when the service is destroyed.